Appoint Susan Piracini

Whether Ms. Piracini has been appointed to your case, or you are working on a case that you’d like to have her appointed, if you provide the following information, we can get you what you need. 

Susan’s CV

Real Property Documents

Establishing ownership and encumbrances is an essential step in every family law matter with real property.

Whether it’s current vesting deeds, deeds of trust, lis pendens, legal descriptions, chain of title, or any other recorded documents, TPG will provide you everything you need regarding real property title recordings in your cases.

This is a complimentary service, and our estimated turn-around time is within one business day.

Lunch & Learn

MCLE Seminars

What: Susan Piracini MA State Bar-approved MCLE Series on real property matters in divorce

When: 1-2 hours, at your convenience

Where: Your choice, online via Zoom or in your office

Who: Designed to educate your entire office; presented by Laurel Starks

Contact Us: 781.475.2475 /

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